A stray cat in the neighborhood decided he could come live with us. He just moved in, started eating, let us pet him, and got along with my cat. He's clean, seems healthy, and he's housebroken. He understands he's not supposed to go into our room (mostly), and is pretty quiet.
Unfortunately, he's just a normal cat. He doesn't express himself, he doesn't do anything cute, and he's really generic looking. But he plays with Mackey, and that makes Mackey happy, and he's unobtrusive.
My old man threatens to punt the cat, or worse, and I don't care. It's just easier to be nice to the cat, feeding him and stuff, than to drive him off. But he means nothing to me, and I wouldn't miss him if he stopped coming around. I still have my Mackey, and he's adorable.
Like this morning. My fiance and I were cuddling and napping, and Mack wanted to be part of it. So he curled up on my hip, and across my old man's lower back. I eventually rolled over, and Mack fell down between us. He proceeded to give me this dirty look, wondering why I'd moved, and then threw himself (without standing up) toward my fiance's head. Mackey snuzzled his little face against a pillow, curled his paws beneath his chin, and went back to sleep. It was precious.
And that's a cat I would miss if he stopped coming around.
I've also been working more on embroidery. I like doing it. It's fun. But textile crafting seems to run in my mom's side of the family. I like embroidering, my mom crocheted and learned to tat, and my grandma was great at crocheting, and her mom could tat like a genius. Don't think anyone knitted, so that isn't represented. I was never very good at crochet or tat, because I just couldn't keep my stitches even. Somehow it's easier with a needle, and I'm learning nifty embroidery things. I've even looked into needlelace, and I think I want to try that too. I think it would be a neat way to do really delicate or elaborate designs, and then transfer them to whatever clothing I'm working on. Or to embellish some of my pirate/gothy shirts with custom lace.
Or, that's the plan, anyway.