So, the actual conference is really for writers. Sorry, my reader friends, probably not much for you.
I'm talking about Muse because I'm going to be doing a workshop there. My publisher gets a whole forum to themselves, apparently, and I'm going to be putting up a lecture.
It was interesting to have to stop and think about what I could teach about writing. I mean, I'm so new to publishing, and "how it's done", but I've been writing forever. I just never think of myself as a teacher, or having anything I didn't just learn from observation and reading other people's tips.
Finally came up with the idea of the Mary Sue In Us All. Because I think the best characters are the ones where the authors really put themselves into the book, not just record the actions of some players.
So now I have to actually come up with a whole lecture, and get it ready. Sounds pretty awesome. I mean, I'll be at my first conference, doing my first workshop, reaching out to other people.
I love being an author.